News and Notes
Sun., Aug 25, 2024 & Mon., Aug 26, 2024
Mount Calvary Lutheran Church
2940 Mineral Point Avenue
Janesville, WI 53548
(608) 754-4145
One Family in Christ † Proclaiming the Gospel † Sharing God’s Love
Please Keep in Your Prayers:
Jim Coorough, Lisa Oren, Wayne Steinke, Shirley Lee,
Marianne Baldwin, Chuck Cawkins & Doreen Cole
Shut-ins: Jean Sands, Gerry Stapleton, Rachel McCann, Bud Dabson,
Shirley VanBuecken, June Wall, Jean Farmer, Carol Skeel,
Pastor Willie & Karen Grieser, Lois Brown,
Don & Bette Everhart, Gerald Kuelz & Maria Adams
WITH DEEPEST SYMPATHY—We extend our heartfelt sympathy to the family of “Marian Kersting” who was called to her eternal rest on Sunday, August 18, 2024. We offer our thanksgiving to God for His promise of eternal life in His Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.
- Church Property Work Day Saturday, August 24th at 9:00 am
- Red Cross Blood Drive Tuesday, August 27th 10:00-3:00pm
- Elder’s Meeting Tuesday, September 3rd at 6:30 pm
- Lunch Bunch Thursday, Sept 5th 12:00-1:30 pm
- Blessing of the Backpacks Sun, Sept 8th during 9:00am service
- Adult & Family Bible Study Begins Sun, Sept 8th at 10:30 am
- Church Council Meeting Tuesday, Sept 10th at 6:30 pm
- Congregational Life Committee Mtg. Wednesday, Sept 11th at 4:30 pm
- Women’s Bible Study Begins Wednesday, Sept 11th at 7:00 pm
- Men’s Bible Study Begins Thursday, Sept 12th at 7:00 pm
- Church Property Work Day Saturday, Sept 14th at 9:00 am
- Bonfire & Outdoor Movie Night Saturday, Sept 14th at 6:00 pm
- New Member Celebration & Potluck Sunday, Sept 22nd at 10:30 am
- Elder’s Meeting Tuesday, October 1st at 6:30 pm
- Lunch Bunch Thursday, Oct 3rd 12:00-1:30 pm
- Council Meeting Tuesday, October 8th at 6:30 pm
- Church Property Work Day Saturday, Oct 12th at 9:00 am
- Mt. Calvary Scoopie Day Sunday, Oct 13th 10:30–1:30 pm
- Chili Cook Off Contest Saturday, October 19th time TBD
- Trunk or Treat Friday, Oct 25th 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm
- Congregational Voter’s & Budget Mtg. Sunday, October 27th at 10:15 am
- Lunch Bunch Thursday, Nov 7th 12:00-1:30 pm
- Church Property Work Day Saturday, Nov 9th at 9:00 am
- Fireside Theatre Sunday, November 10th at 2:30 pm
- Life Line Screening Tuesday, November 12th 9-3:00 pm
- Fall Harvest Dinner Saturday, Nov 16th at 5:30 pm
- Lunch Bunch (Jvl Country Club) Thurs, Dec 5th 12:00–1:30 pm
- Jolly Jingle Saturday, December 7th at 6:00 pm
- Live Nativity Sunday, December 15th 5-7:00 pm
A super scuba thank you for making this year’s VBS the most fin-tastic one yet! Because of your incredible generosity and thoughtfulness, we were able to serve the children of our church family and our community all week long. They sang and danced, played and created, explored and snacked, and most importantly, dove into their friendship with God! It is truly a blessing to continue to provide a fully immersive experience for them to come and hear about Jesus’ love. I have heard more than once that our VBS is where the children learn the Bible Points and Bible Stories best in the area – what a HUGE compliment! And, we couldn’t do it without your continued support. Through each of you, God has continued to provide above and beyond what we could have imagined!
I would also be remiss if I did not publicly thank my amazing partners in VBS Ministry and staff for the week. These volunteers pour their hearts into their roles and make our VBS extraordinary. VBS would not happen without them. It could not happen without them and I am so blessed by each and every one of them. Joan, who did crafts; Tammy who did snacks; Heather who did games; Jim and Pastor who did Bible Stories; Dawn who did registration and filled in every gap; Ali who helped with our littlest divers; Colleen who helped anywhere and everywhere; Audrey, Emily, Izzie, Ella, Cabela, James, Ryan, Owen, Remy, Lily, and Kayleigh who gave their time and talents to make the kids feel loved, seen, and having fun all week long.
To Jim, Dawn, Heather, Colleen, Remy, Ryan, Lily, Emily, and Kayleigh who spent hours upon hours helping our underwater adventure come to life in our halls. Thank you so much!
VBS is the best week of the year! Thank you all for continuing to work together to make it great!
In Him,
Miss Molly
BIRTHDAY CARD SHOWER – Pastor Willie Grieser will turn “90” years old on August 23, 2024! To celebrate, we’d like to shower him with Birthday Cards. Please join in the celebration and send Birthday cards to: 1771 Hillside Road, Cambridge, WI 53523. Your kindness is truly appreciated!
Karen Grieser and Family
CHURCH IMPROVEMENT FUND—Our congregation has established a “Church Improvement Fund” to help us make any and all updates to God’s house and the parsonage. To contribute to this fund, simply use one of the goldenrod envelopes provided in the pews and place it in the offering plate. If you write a check, indicate “Church Improvement Fund” on the memo line. Thank You!
Please join us each week after our Sunday Morning Service for “Refreshments and Fellowship”
CHURCH PROPERTY WORK DAYS—To help maintain and catch up on various areas of the church and parsonage, we have scheduled 4 works days between now and the end of year. Please sign up at the Welcome Center for any or all days that you would like to help out. We will start at 9:00 am and finish up by noon. Come for an hour or stay the whole time. If you have any questions, please contact Jim Enerson at 608-774-7373 or Bill Semmens at 608-201-1906.
Saturday, August 24th
Saturday, September 14th
October 12thNovember 9th
“Mt. Calvary Congregational Lunch Bunch”
Thursday, September 5, 2024
12:00 – 1:30 p.m. in the Church Fellowship Hall
“Please Sign Up at the Welcome Center”
Along with some homemade soup and desserts, Texas Roadhouse is donating their salad and rolls. Everyone is invited to join the fun!
Can you believe it?! School is almost here! And that means that Mount Calvary is celebrating by having a Blessing of the Backpacks on Sunday, September 8th during our 9:00 am Worship Service. We are asking all students come to church with their backpacks for recognition and for prayers on that day. We know that every parent desires his or her child to have all the advantages possible for a good education, and for us, that includes a blessing! We can’t wait to see you there!
NEW MEMBER CELEBRATION AND POTLUCK—Our Church Family continues to grow! Please join us on Sunday, September 22nd at 10:30 am as we celebrate and welcome our Newest Members from this past year. Mike Geske will be providing pulled pork and we will have a cake to help celebrate. Everyone is asked to bring a dish to pass (no desserts please). Come and enjoy some good food and fellowship as we get to know our new members a little better! Please sign up at the Welcome Center.
Frustrated, deeply dissatisfied, and burned out, Pastor Chaplin prays to have a different life. Much to his consternation (and in resemblance to his favorite TV show, “Quantum Leap”), his “request” is granted. Now he finds himself living the lives of many others who all live in his town. Join us for this funny and heartwarming movie!
Mark your calendars and then pack your lawn chairs and blankets and join us for a perfect night of fun at church on Saturday, September 14th at 6:00 pm. We will gather together at church for a bonfire as we wait for dusk to enjoy a movie outdoors together. Hot Dogs, Chips, and S’mores will be provided. Please sign-up at the Welcome Center. We look forward to seeing you all there! If you have any questions, please contact Kathy Semmens or Gloria Huschka.
CHRISTMAS AT THE FIRESIDE!—You are not going to want to miss this one! Please join us for an afternoon of fun, food and friends, at the Fireside Theatre for dinner and a show! This big brassy Broadway Musical with a heart, is based on the beloved Christmas Movie, “Miracle On 34th Street”. Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade needs a new Santa. Enter Kris Kringle – a sweet and jolly old man who claims that he is the real Santa Claus. Thus begins this funny, warm, tuneful, and inspirational musical as Kris has to prove his claim in court and teach his cynical neighbor and her daughter to believe in the goodness and love that is Christmas.
We have reservations for Sunday, November 10, 2024 at 2:30 pm. The price per ticket, which includes gratuity, is $76.00. Deadline to sign—up and make payment is Sunday, October 6th. Please make your check payable to “Mt. Calvary Lutheran Church” and give to Dawn Enerson. Along with signing up at the Welcome Center, please let us know what your “Entrée Choice” is. Choices are listed below and on the sign up sheet. If you sign up and are unable to attend for any reason, please note that you will still be responsible for the price of your ticket.
Entrée Choices
Chicken & Ribs
Steak Diane
Seared Duck
ADULT BIBLE STUDY — Our Adult Bible Study, led by Pastor Bergelin, meets every Sunday at 10:30 am, beginning September 8th. All are welcome and we look forward to seeing you then!
FAMILY BIBLE STUDY — Our Family Bible Study led by DCE, Molly Bergelin, meets every Sunday at 10:30 am beginning September 8th. This study is a “Study on World Religions and Cults and what makes us different.”
WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDY — Ladies, our Women’s Bible Study meets Wednesday Evenings at 7:00 pm beginning September 11th and is led by DCE, Molly Bergelin. Please join us for some fun, fellowship and enjoyable conversation. All ladies are welcome.
MEN’S BIBLE STUDY — Come join us Thursday Evenings at 7:00 pm beginning September 12th, as we grow in fellowship and leadership as men of our congregation. This Bible Study is open to all men, young and old, led by Pastor Bergelin.
SIMPLY GIVING ELECTRONIC FUNDS TRANSFER—A convenient way to make financial contributions to our church on a weekly, monthly, or yearly basis. You can sign up to have your offering to our Lord drawn automatically from an account you designate. It is easy, convenient, and a consistent way to give. If you are interested, please sign up at or contact Dawn Enerson at 608-754-4145 for additional information and/or help.
SIMPLY GIVING ELECTRONIC FUNDS TRANSFER—A convenient way to make financial contributions to our church on a weekly, monthly, or yearly basis. You can sign up to have your offering to our Lord drawn automatically from an account you designate. It is easy, convenient, and a consistent way to give. If you are interested, please sign up at or contact Dawn Enerson at 608-754-4145 for additional information and/or help.
Today, August 25
9:00 am……………………….…………………………………..….…Worship Service
Birthdays…………………………………………….…………………………Jill Gant
Baptismal Birthdays……………………..….…………….Dawn Enerson, Zoey Blazer
Monday, August 26
6:30 pm………………………………………………..……….……….Worship Service
Birthdays…………………………………………….……………..……..Jean Cawkins
Anniversaries……………………………………………….Wayne and Connie Steinke
Tuesday, August 27
10:00 am – 3:00 pm………………..……………….……………Red Cross Blood Drive
Birthdays…………….………………………….………………..………Karol Norland
Wednesday, August 28
6:00 pm………………………………………..……………………..Confirmation Class
Birthdays…………………………………………………..……………Gerry Stapleton
Baptismal Birthdays……………………………….….……….Jim Brase, Kari Biddick
Thursday, August 29
Birthdays………………………………………………………….………Jim Patterson
Baptismal Birthdays………………………….……..………Ted Treinen, Devin Blazer
Friday, August 30 – Office Closed”
Saturday, August 31 – “Office Closed”
Baptismal Birthdays………….………………………………………….Maci Lankford
Sunday, September 1
9:00 am………………………..………………Worship Service with Holy Communion